August 2024
In an article by Faith Hill for The Atlantic, Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses key insights from his research on what singles value most and what they find the most challenging, amid a broader discussion about the courage it takes to quit dating and take control of one's life without a partner.

July 2024
Dr. Geoff MacDonald joins Cross Country Checkup with Ian Hanomansing to discuss happiness among single people, why older single women report the highest life satisfaction among singles, and the importance of maintaining support networks in singlehood.

June 2024
Dr. Elyakim Kislev and Dr. Geoff MacDonald join New Legacy Radio with Christine J. Erickson to discuss their draw to singlehood research, the global rise in singlehood, the history of relationship and singles studies, and future directions.

May 2024
Dr. Geoff MacDonald joins the Morning Wave in Busan (Korea) Show to discuss the increasing prevalence of singlehood, the influence of attachment styles on happiness, and the benefits of personal development for long-term singles.

May 2024
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses the importance of focusing on personal development to enhance happiness with one's relationship status on Radio New Zealand.

April 2024
In an article for the Daily Mail, Elaine Hoan highlights her research uncovering that introverts are more likely to be single and sheds light on the role of personality traits in relationship status.

April 2024
In an article for The Conversation, Dr. Chris Pepping, Dr. Geoff MacDonald, Dr. Tim Cronin, and Dr. Yuthika Girme explore how happiness as a long-term single may depend on your attachment style.

April 2024
Pepping et al.'s 2024 study explains how four main attachment styles can be used to classify four distinct experiences of singlehood.

March 2024
Drs. Yoobin Park and Geoff MacDonald 2019 paper on how there may be a unique type of person each individuals ends up with is discussed.

March 21st, 2024
Dr. Geoff MacDonald joins The Todd Veinotte Show to discuss the rise in singlehood across Canada.

March 2024
In a CBC News Social dating series, Drs. Yuthika Girme and Geoff MacDonald explore the increasing trend of singlehood and its implications on happiness.

April 2023
Drs. Yuthika Girme and Geoff MacDonald respond to Who Does Singlehood Best? By Dr. Bella DePaulo. They recognize the various struggles that are part of the lives of most singles along with the importance, dignity, and joys of single living.

February 2023
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses how various factors, including attachment style, sexual satisfaction, and age, affect satisfaction with singlehood generally and how to enjoy Valentine's Day as
a single person.

February 2023
Dr. Geoff MacDonald joins the hosts of The Social on CTV to discuss the research he has been conducting during the last few years, which aims to understand well-being during singlehood.

February 2023
Dr. Geoff MacDonald explains what his recent research indicates about wellbeing during singlehood and the priorities of single individuals.

January 2023
Dr. Geoff MacDonald joins Peter McGraw and Iris Schneider to discuss his newly published paper that examines predictors of life satisfaction for singles.

January 2023
Drs. Geoff MacDonald and Yoobin Park discuss their recent publication which identifies the domains that single individuals prioritized in their construal of a satisfying single life.

November 2022
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses his recent research on the within-group variability among single individuals, which is beginning to paint a portrait of the happy single person.

November 2022
Dr. Ravin Alaei talks about his team's new study suggesting that an individual’s attachment security is reflected in the lyrics of their favourite relationship songs.

October 2022
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses the importance of fostering emotional stability and wellbeing before entering a relationship, instead of using a relationship to become happy.

April 2022
Drs. Geoff Macdonald and Yoobin Park talk about their recent study which suggests that attachment security can predict wellbeing during singlehood.

January 2022
Drs. Geoff MacDonald and Samantha Joel talk about the ways progression bias push people to begin and maintain relationships with less discretion.

August 2021
Dr. Geoff MacDonald speaks with Peter McGraw and Iris Schneider about attachment theory and singlehood.

August 2021
Dr. Samantha Joel and Dr. Geoff MacDonald argue that people are more inclined to stay and move forward with their romantic relationship rather than leave.

July 2021
Yoobin Park shares her expertise on how to express gratitude for your romantic partner.
July 2021
Dr. Geoff MacDonald employs his expertise to explain and contextualize common dating experiences during a webinar with author Rebekah Campbell.

July 2020
Kristina Schrage discusses her research on the effects of verbal and nonverbal communication on avoidantly attached partners' emotions.

May 2020
Dr. Ravin Alaei, Germain Lévêque, Dr. Geoff Macdonald, and Dr. Nicholas Rule find that men's (but not women's) faces convey information about their approaches to relationships.

February 2020
Yoobin Park, Dr. Matthew Johnson, Dr. Geoff MacDonald, and Dr. Emily Impett find that perceiving gratitude from a partner can reduce one's attachment anxiety.

June 2019
Yoobin Park and Dr. Geoff Macdonald find that when it comes to romantic partners, people gravitate toward similar personality traits from one relationship to the next.

March 2019
Dr. Geoff MacDonald proposes using research on attachment to improve mentoring relationships.

February 2019
Dr. Samantha Joel, director of the Relationship Decisions Lab at Western University, discusses how people make decisions in romantic relationships.

November 2018
Dr. Samantha Joel, Dr. Emily Impett, Dr. Geoff MacDonald, and Dr. Stephanie Spielmann find that people are less likely to initiate a breakup when they believe their partners are dependent on the relationship.

November 2018
Dr. Nick Hobson, Dr. Geoff MacDonald, and Juensung Kim find that exposure to prosperity gospel makes people more likely to show an unrealistic sense of optimism for life and take more financial risks.

October 2018
Dr. Stephanie Spielmann finds that pursuing sex with an ex does not seem to stand in the way of people's recovery from a breakup.

February 2018
Dr. Geoff MacDonald shares his thoughts on the need for attention and belonging.

October 2017
Dr. Geoff MacDonald shares his expertise on romantic rejection, pain, and connection.

August 2017
Dr. Samantha Joel, Dr. Geoff MacDonald, and Dr. Elizabeth Page-Gould explore the specific pros and cons people weigh when deciding to stay or leave a romantic relationship.

March 2017
Dr. Geoff MacDonald shares his thoughts on social interaction and connection in singlehood.

February 2017
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses the functionality of love-induced physical pain.

November 2016
Dr. Jessica Maxwell finds that people who believe in sexual growth (versus sexual destiny) have happier sex lives in long-term relationships.

November 2024
In an article for The Times, Elaine Hoan shares her research challenging stereotypes about single women, highlighting how social networks fulfill their needs and exploring why traditional relationships may be less appealing to modern women.

August 2024
Dr. Geoff MacDonald joins The Dissenter with Ricardo Lopes. He dives into the psychology of singlehood, exploring why some people thrive while single, the impact of attachment styles, and how singles find fulfillment. The discussion also cover breakups, aging, and how singlehood is on the rise globally.​

October 2016
Dr. Geoff MacDonald talks about his Human Sexuality seminar for psychology undergraduates at the University of Toronto.

December 2015
Dr. Geoff MacDonald shares his thoughts on the physical pain that can accompany emotional pain.

May 2015
Dr. Geoff Macdonald finds that women rejected by an attractive suitor are more likely to subsequently reject (and be more critical of) an unattractive suitor.

February 2015
Dr. Samantha Joel discusses why it may be better to under-promise and over-deliver when it comes to doing things to bolster your relationship.

January 2015
Dr. Samantha Joel talks about how human touch can help foster a sense of belonging and connection.

January 2014
Dr. Samantha Joel uses relationship research to write research-based wedding vows in order to achieve long-term marital bliss.

December 2013
Dr. Stephanie Spielmann finds that people with stronger fears about being single are willing to settle for less in their relationships.

March 2013
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses insecure attachment, social threat, and reward perceptions with Dr. Bjarne Holmes.

April 2011
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses the relationship between emotional and physical pain with Pat Morrison at Southern California Public Radio.

April 2011
Dr. Geoff MacDonald finds that the body's response to social insult is similar to physical injury.

April 2011
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses people's use of reverse psychology as a persuasion tactic and a way to garner interpersonal reassurance.

January 2011
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses emotional expression in men and women.

January 2010
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses patterns of relationship conflict.

July 2009
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses how higher self-esteem can lead to a better relationship.

July 2009
Dr. Geoff MacDonald comments on Western feelings of independence towards family members.

July 2009
Dr. Stephanie Spielmann finds that rebound relationships may be beneficial for anxiously attached individuals.

February 2009
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses factors that may affect attraction between men and women.

August 2008
Dr. Geoff MacDonald discusses extra-dyadic emotional involvement and jealousy from an evolutionary perspective.