Principal Investigator

Professor of Psychology
I am a Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto. I am a Fellow of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology and the International Association for Relationship Research. I am a former Lead Editor of the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships and a former Department Chair. I am also the recipient of the 2024 International Association for Relationship Research Mentoring Award.

PhD, Year 1
My research interests revolve around how people foster social connection. I am fascinated by how individual differences, like personality traits, can interact with interpersonal factors to sustain well-being in relationships and singlehood. My other interests include how individuals maintain meaning in life, magnanimity, and resilience through social connections.
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Honours Thesis Student
Charm Lee
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) Student
Jersee Hill​
Research Assistants
Estella (Emma) Sanchez